Reflections Of A Man by Mr. Amari Soul - the passages read like poetry, it's a beautiful and inspiring book. So many lovely quotes and passages that I would read again and again.
"If he decides to keep one little secrets from you, it will have the power to ruin your whole relationship. Not necessarily because of the secret in and of itself, but because of the thousand lies that he'll have to tell you to keep it."
"When a man complains of your standards being too high, it is usually because he's used to dealing with women who have none."
"Be the woman you want to be, not the woman everyone else expects you to be."
Be proud of who you are. After all, you're not only a one in a million... you're once in a lifetime.
"When you forgive, you don't do it for the other person's sake, you do it for your own sanity and peace of mind."
For the ones you have loved, they've shown you the infinite possibilities of happiness. As for the ones you have lost, they've reminded you of the tremendous pains of heartbreak. To all of them, you say, "Thank you." It's because of them that you now stand there the beautiful, strong, and independent woman that you are.