(Day 24 - #BecauseTheNight)
sixgun I'm in Arizona, so we never change. Of course we have enough sun to go around, so no need to save it. 😁😉 6y
gradcat @sixgun I love that! There‘s a spot in Indiana that never changes either, but I believe it‘s because it‘s an Amish locale. Is Arizona on permanent regular time, then? Still, you‘re right—you guys have plenty of sunshine!! ☀️☀️☀️😂 6y
Soubhiville I‘d prefer to not have time changes, as my pets get really mad when dinner time shifts! I really never saw the point in daylight savings time. 6y
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aymiereads I‘d love to not have the time change! It really affects my mood & when the time changes back, im almost instantly better. 6y
Cinfhen Ha!!! I so agree😜All these different time zones drive me batty 🤪 6y
gradcat @Soubhiville @aymiereads @Cinfhen So nice to know I‘m not the only grouch about DST...thanks for responding, peeps! 6y
inthegreensandblues I am in favor of year-round daylight saving time. I don't need the sun to come up at 5 am but I would like it not to be dark at 5 pm in December! 6y
gradcat @inthegreensandblues I hear you. I think that is the best argument for that I have heard. In cities where 5 o‘clock traffic is very heavy, it would seem better to have daylight last longer for those commuters. 6y
sixgun It's considered Phoenix time. Sometimes we're on Mountain Standard Time MST and sometimes we're on Pacific Time PDT. Depending on daylight savings time. Sometimes my clock automatically sets to DST and that's annoying to have to set it back. That's right I forgot about that slot in southeast Indiana, right?. 6y
sixgun Our initial reasons for daylight savings is I guess just not something that's been able to be truly proven. It was to save energy. Fewer people and businesses needed to use lights in the morning if they changed it. But today we use energy whenever we feel like it. I admit, my TV never turns off except for about 4 hours overnight. 6y
booklahoma This is another reason why I want to live near the equator. In my favorites places in Ecuador the average length of the day only varies by about 18 minutes during a year; therefore the sunrise and sunset times only vary by about 18 minutes at most. No need for DST! As with many evils, DST is really only about money for corporations; they're the ones that lobby for it. It's not about saving energy; it's about making us drive our cars. (edited) 6y
SW-T I‘d like to get rid of DST. There are 24 hrs in a day no matter what we call them. The 3 reasons I‘ve heard for it are 1) energy 2) farmers 3) military. If we can‘t figure out or agree on why we still have it, why keep it? Plus, whenever it changes auto accidents increase. Let‘s just say goodbye to it. 6y
SleepyDragon I don't care if we are permanently on or permanently off, i just want to stop changing the time twice a year. It's annoying and our electric bill doesn't ever change because of it, so obviously we aren't conserving energy. This has been a political debate in California, and Im hoping we get to pick a time and stick with it. 6y
gradcat @sixgun You‘re right about Indiana...it‘s so strange—it‘s just a pocket of land with a different time zone for half of the year. I hate changing all the clocks in my house, period. They‘re getting awfully complicated to change—I‘ll admit that I really hate doing it. I must say I think yours (Phoenix Times) are the oddest!! 😂 (edited) 6y
gradcat @booklahoma You‘re educating me...I didn‘t realize that about living close to the equator, although I ought to have if only I‘d ever thought about it. My problem with living there is simple: I hate the heat. Wouldn‘t it be very, very hot in Ecuador? 6y
gradcat @SW-T @NeesyBeth I agree with both of you, and I think you will get your way, @NeesyBeth , because it looks like we will end up with permanent DST here in the US. My problem with that is just that here in the Deep South, when the temps are 100 degrees Fahrenheit, it doesn‘t cool down until nearly midnight! At the risk of repeating myself, I absolutely cannot stand the heat 😓😐😂 6y
booklahoma @gradcat @gradcat 🤓 I like the mountainous areas in Ecuador (around 8500 feet above sea level). The average high temperature in any given month in Cuenca does not exceed 72 degrees Fahrenheit, and in the lowest temperature month (August) the average low for the month is 46 degrees Fahrenheit. 6y
SleepyDragon @gradcat I feel ya. I live in a desert region, and in the height of summer it gets to 110+ degrees F, and doesn't cool off at night at all. I hadn't heard of DST being eliminated at the federal level, just at the state level. I'll have to google that, as it's news to me! 6y
gradcat @booklahoma Those temps would be ideal to me! If it get above 70F, I‘m ready to turn on the AC (but I restrain myself). I actually get nauseated when I get overheated. Plus, it‘s so humid where I live now...and can stand heat fifteen degrees higher if the humidity is low, but high humidity just gets to me in the worst way. And yet look, I live right in the big middle of it. 😑 6y
gradcat @SleepyDragon You changed your name! I probably have it wrong, it‘s just that I know Obama was for phasing it in permanently, and now Tr@*p supports it. 6y
SleepyDragon @gradcat Yup, I did change my name. Sorry for any confusion. (I'm not going to make a habit of it.) I'm sure you're right, I just can't keep track of every stupid thing he does. Love how you spell his name like a cuss word, btw. 😁 6y
gradcat @SleepyDragon He makes me cuss on the daily...see my #marchintothe70s post for today! 😂😂😂 6y
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