"Why do so many Christians find it so difficult to say with John, with Paul and with the author Hebrews, 'I know. I am sure. I have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of my soul?' "
#bakerbooksblogger @bakerbooks #assurance
"Why do so many Christians find it so difficult to say with John, with Paul and with the author Hebrews, 'I know. I am sure. I have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of my soul?' "
#bakerbooksblogger @bakerbooks #assurance
I did a review on this book already but never got the chance to finsih it.. I will let every one..
In this book Greg Gilbert reminds us as believers we can be assured. Assured that our salvation was real, assured that our sins are forgiven whether past, present or future! Assured that we all stumble and that Jesus is not our judge but our advocate
Got my new book from Baker Book Bloggers #bakerbookbloggers.. Can't wait to dig in.