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The Burning Stone
The Burning Stone | Kate Elliott
4 posts | 6 read
Set in an alternate Europe where bloody conflicts rage, the third book of the Crown of Stars epic fantasy series continues the world-shaking conflict for the survival of humanity It is a crucial time in the war-torn kingdoms of Wendar and Varre, a moment when even one wrong decision can tilt the balance of events into total disaster. For SanglantKing Henrys sonand Liaththe woman he lovesthe offer of both a haven from their enemies and the chance for Liath to study the ancient lore with those who claim her as their own, seems like the answer they have been seeking. But no place can truly be safe for them. Both their lives and their love will be at risk when they are forced to choose which pathway each will followlured by the equally strong demands of politics, forbidden knowledge, and family. Liath, born with a dangerous power beyond her control, is torn between her longing for Sanglant and the child they are about to have and the call of sorcery, which can open the way into the land of the Aoi, the Lost Ones. And even as Liath struggles with magics seductive spell, Sanglants Aoi mother returns to the mortal world, seeking the son she abandoned as a babe. As the fates of kingdoms shift with the changing fortunes of those caught up in the dangers of both civil war and continuing attacks by the nonhuman Eika and the Quman invaders, time is running out for Liath, Sanglant, King Henry, and the people of Wendar and Varre. For the time of cataclysm is fast approachingand no one can foretell who will surviveor rulewhen it is over.
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The Burning Stone | Kate Elliott
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Todays beer is a Landshark Lager from Margarita International Brewing Co. It‘s a bit thinner than most of what I drink, but I think it should go down pretty easy.

I could probably finish THE BURNING STONE tonight, but I haven‘t found it as gripping as the first two. (Maybe because it‘s 200 pages longer.) I‘m deeply invested in Liath and Alain, but I‘m also frustrated with the large number of characters who use religion to deny others‘ humanity.

The Burning Stone | Kate Elliott
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I‘m finally halfway through THE BURNING STONE! I‘d love to finish it by the end of the year, but I can‘t seem to just sit and READ today. Poop. Hopefully I can make up some ground over the next few days.

The Burning Stone | Kate Elliott
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Then I ate soup and dove back into THE BURNING STONE. I really want to wallow in it this afternoon. Kate Elliott‘s consideration of power and privilege has got me hooked but good.

The Burning Stone | Kate Elliott
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At the start of 2019, I owned 366 unread books.

“This is intolerable,” I said to myself. “This has gotta change.”

So I hunkered down. I stopped buying so much random stuff. I focused on what I owned instead of leaning into the library. And now, in these last days of 2021, I own just one unread book.

I‘m 70 pages in as of breakfast. Give me a few more days and I‘ll own ZERO unread books. The weight is lifted.

Graywacke Wow… I‘m really impressed. (I have 703…started the years with 698☺️) 3y
xicanti @Graywacke my goodness. That‘s quite the TBR. 3y
SRWCF Congrats! Now u can buy more! 🤣🤣🤣 3y
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xicanti @SRWCF in moderation! I‘m gonna live that get-book-read-book life! (edited) 3y
DinoMom That is fantastic. I also had over 300 on my shelf , but didn‘t make that much headway. 3y
Graywacke @xicanti it‘s pretty and I like the options I have here in the house, but I don‘t believe I will make much a dent. It‘s a little too random. This year my goal was to break even. I came close. But the idea of being free from it… very cool. Enjoy. 3y
xicanti @DinoMom you can do it! I believe in you! 3y
xicanti @Graywacke as long as the books are a joy instead of a burden, it‘s all good. 3y
Graywacke @xicanti agree! (Also I really like the idea of get-book-read-book ) 3y
Chrissyreadit Wow!!! I‘m strongly considering a shopping ban as well. You are very inspiring. 3y
llwheeler Amazing, congrats! You inspire me that I can actually manage to get through my 500+ tbr! 3y
xicanti @Chrissyreadit I found that for me, the trick wasn‘t to avoid buying stuff altogether—it was to buy only books I couldn‘t get from the library, and to read the stuff I DID buy as soon as possible after it came into my house (or landed on my ereader). I hope you find a system that works for you! 3y
xicanti @llwheeler good luck! You can do it! 3y
DrexEdit Good for you! That's quite an achievement! 🏆 3y
Chrissyreadit @xicanti I love that plan- I can try 🤞 3y
Chelleo That is amazing!!! I need to hunker down and do the same. 3y
xicanti @DrexEdit thanks! 3y
xicanti @Chelleo it‘s such a satisfying feeling! 3y
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