#wintergames #teamreindeergames #dailyphotochallenge #angel
Here is my favorite angel - I‘ve had her since I was young. I still put her on my tree every year even though she‘s tiny!
#wintergames #teamreindeergames #dailyphotochallenge #angel
Here is my favorite angel - I‘ve had her since I was young. I still put her on my tree every year even though she‘s tiny!
I bought this book waaaay back in 2011 and finally picked it up off my groaning TBR shelf. I‘d hesitated because of the mixed reviews, and sigh, they were right. It‘s an academic fantasy that‘s more academic than fantastical; a book that takes itself very seriously. The plot was also a bit confounding at times. I won‘t be continuing with the second book, needless to say.
129 of 2021. This is a story of an ancient conflict between a group of Angelologist and Nephilim. It was okay. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
#AbecedarianTBR #LitsyAtoZ
This was entertaining! I wasn't too crazy about it though. Some plot decisions didn't really work for me but otherwise a nice read. 😊 #LitsyAtoZ
At times this feels a bit like reading a history/religion lecture materials. I feel like the writer could have made some parts a bit shorter.
My next choice! After the first few pages I'm totally hooked! Feels like a perfect book for this early spring week. I moved my reading to outdoors for the first time this year. 😊☀️
I got this signed first edition for only 99p on eBay. I loved this when I first read it although I remember being disappointed by the sequel. #bookmail
A - All the Missing Girls
N - Newsflesh Trilogy (Feed, Deadline, Blackout)
G - Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The
E - Emma in the Night
L - Last Lecture, The