That‘s what magic is, to some extent anyway, isn‘t it? Participatory praying. Not just relying on an external divinity, but on our own sacred power as well. [...] It‘s up to us to take responsibility, to act out of our sense of shared divinity.
That‘s what magic is, to some extent anyway, isn‘t it? Participatory praying. Not just relying on an external divinity, but on our own sacred power as well. [...] It‘s up to us to take responsibility, to act out of our sense of shared divinity.
One of the main reasons I‘ve been able to stay this strange course is its ability to prove itself to me. When I reach out, there‘s something to grab hold of—to see, to touch, to feel. There‘s a reply to my questions.
I came to this passage in this book EXACTLY when I needed it for a personal dilemma I was struggling with.
“Prosperity and comfort were joys everyone should have. But the pursuit of money for its own sake, at the expense of our self-respect, creativity, and compassionate humanity, was the worship of a false idol.“
Patience was what was important, not just the destination, but the journey. The goal is not just being full grown, but learning to grow.
I needed to learn the wisdom of my body and my heart, not just the wisdom of my mind. […] My body was not just some biological machine designed to carry my consciousness around. I was beginning to understand that, contrary to a culture which called the body sinful, it had intrinsic value, intelligence, and spiritual wisdom to offer me, if I would honor it.
I began to understand how so many of the ancient myths recast the Goddess, and her symbols such as the snake and the apple, in negative terms. […] The roots of women‘s inequality and the destruction of the earth are to be found in this early religious shift away from the mother Goddess, who was immanent and present in the world, to the father God, who was transcendent and removed.
At the quantum level, everything is interconnected energy, even matter.
5/5⭐ I find Curott's descriptions & journey beautiful. Obviously I can't relate personally to many of her magickal experiences, her initiation process made me uncomfortable, & I'm unsure about divinity having binary masculine/feminine aspects. However, there's no doubt of the impact Curott's experiences have on her life. I especially like the way she lifts the veil on today's absolute bullshit patriarchal society. #bookemon
“In order to heal others, one must first heal themselves”
"Il mondo é pieno di bellezza, ma la bellezza più grande é la luce che viene dal tuo cuore. Non aver paura di mostrarla agli altri". #deainteriore #ilsentierodelladea #paroleperilcuore