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Las Travesuras de La Nina Mala
Las Travesuras de La Nina Mala | Mario Vargas Llosa
12 posts | 19 read | 9 to read
"Ricardo ve cumplido, a una edad muy temprana, el sueno que en su Lima natal alimento desde que tenia uso de razon: vivir en Paris. Pero el rencuentro con un amor de adolescencia lo cambiara todo. La joven, inconformista, aventurera, pragmatica e inquieta, lo arrastrara fuera del pequeno mundo de sus ambiciones. Testigos de epocas convulsas y florecientes en ciudades como Londres, Paris, Tokio o Madrid, que aqui son mucho mas que escenarios, ambos personajes veran sus vidas entrelazarse sin llegar a coincidir del todo. Sin embargo, esta danza de encuentros y desencuentros hara crecer la intensidad del relato pagina a pagina hasta propiciar una verdadera fusion del lector con el universo emocional de los protagonistas. Creando una admirable tension entre lo comico y lo tragico, Mario Vargas Llosa juega con la realidad y la ficcion para liberar una historia en la que el amor se nos muestra indefinible, dueno de mil caras, como la nina mala. Pasion y distancia, azar y destino, dolor y disfrute... Cual es el verdadero rostro del amor?" ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "Ricardo, at an early age, sees his life-long dream fulfilled: to live in Paris. But an encounter with a past love will change everything. The young girl, adventurer, pragmatic, wicked, calculating, and mischievous, will drag him out of his small world of ambitions. This is the story of the intimate love that occupies more than three decades of Ricardo s life, and it is also a fascinating tale traveling through Europe, South America, and Japan.Starring in the backdrop are Peru s history from 1950 to 1987 and its swinging from democracy to dictatorship; Paris in the sixties and its great philosophers Sartre and Camus; the decade of the 70s in London, the birth of a new culture, drugs, music, hippies, freedom of love; Japan s big dealer lords, and, finally, Spain halfway through the 80s.Creating an admirable tension between comedy and tragedy, Mario Vargas Llosa plays with reality and fiction to release a story in which love presents itself as indefinable, owner of a thousand faces, just like the mischievous girl. Passion and distance, chance and destiny, pain and pleasure... Which is the true face of love?""
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The Bad Girl: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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⭐ Full 1 star review on Goodreads. I was quite harsh but honestly, I don't think I'll read a worse book this year. Glad I got it out of the way! #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Oh no! At least it's off the shelf!! 4y
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The Bad Girl: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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It's been a while since I read a hardcover book, much less one that is as beautifully done as this one! #currentlyreading but once again, struggling with the attention span to retain interest.

To be fair, our protagonist is describing sex with his love interest and she does not seem at all interested. He is what the kids these days would call a "simp." ???‍♀️

Would you say this is a woman in a pretty dress on the cover?


The Bad Girl: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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5 down, 31 to go! I'm #currentlyreading The Bad Girl by Mario Vargas Llosa and I'm not sure which prompt I'll file it under just yet.

My next library read is Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas, which will fulfill number 4.
White Tiger by Aravind Adiga (#MountTBR) is my number 9 read.
Beartown by Fredrik Backman (#MountTBR) is number 10.

It's good to have goals at a time like this 😅💖📚

ChaoticMissAdventures Angie Thomas! My next read us On The Come Up. ❤️ 4y
dainarmb @ChaoticMissAdventures that one was so different from The Hate U Give- I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it! 4y
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The Bad Girl: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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Catching up on #ReadJanuary and #DNF reminds me to review this one. I love Mario Vargas Llosa but I wasn't in the mood for the intricate detail when I picked this up. It's a pick on the basis of beautiful writing and an interesting story, but it's one I'll have to come back to. 😏

The Bad Girl: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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I am starting this new audiobook. Vargas Llosa is a Peruvian writer and winner of the Nobel. Much of his work, including this piece have been translated.

The Bad Girl: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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Overall a good read but definitely not the best this author has to offer as compared to "Conversation in the Cathedral". Still, a great portrayal of two warped and dysfunctional personalities who seem to be linked by their own dysfunction rather than love, in my opinion. Great for a book club discussion about what love really means and the dark shapes the human persona can take

bibliobliss You sold this book to me! Now I wanna read it 😉 8y
Faibka @Readage great! Would love to see your review! 😄 8y
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The Bad Girl: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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It's always nice to read with good company! 😸

Louise Based on all those post-its, it must be a very quotable book! 8y
Faibka @Louise I wish! This time the post its are for interesting paragraphs to discuss in a book club. The female character is a very disturbed individual and I'm hoping to have a good discussion about it 8y
Louise @Faibka Ah, hah! Post-its to back up discussion points! Also clever! 🤓 8y
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Faibka @Louise lol, thanks! I try 😁 hope I don't get confused in the end with so many 8y
Louise @Faibka I have many books that look just the same! 😂😋👍 8y
Faibka @Louise Me too! 😆 8y
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The Bad Girl: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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So, the character here is enthusiastically saying that this is a "beautiful love story" (the story of the main character). It is interesting because a friend also said this book was about a love story. So far I disagree. I will say it is a great portrayal of two very dysfunctional individuals and the unhealthy relationship that can develop between them.

The Bad Girl: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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I can't recommend this author enough, so crucial not only for Hispanic literature but literature in general. His novel "Conversation in the Cathedral" is a literary masterpiece in both style and substance, a delight to any book lover, a gem of literature as an art form. Excited to see what I will find in this one.

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The Bad Girl: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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I can't get into this at the moment (first 90 pages). I like the premise of the woman who keeps reappearing in disguise, and the earnest narrator... I loved the obsessive love theme in the Museum of Innocence, but this hasn't drawn me in yet. Might have to come back to it when I'm feeling more Peruvian!