Why did I borrow this compendium of first-world problems? If you like reading about a Louboutin-obsessed young Parisian mum with impossibly long legs and not a real care in the world, this is the comic book for you...
Why did I borrow this compendium of first-world problems? If you like reading about a Louboutin-obsessed young Parisian mum with impossibly long legs and not a real care in the world, this is the comic book for you...
Graphic novel pick for our local library adult summer reading program. Written and drawn for a crowd younger than me. A comedic look at young motherhood. My first graphic EVER!
What a day: I'm sick 🤒
it's raining 🌧
Trump is going to be President 😓
And this book is stupid. 😑
Motin's illustrations are adorable, but her humor has a greeting-card-level IQ. Published by Self-Made Hero--with an impressive backlist of Eisner-nominated artists--I was expecting more than the same old jokes about how much girls love shoes, Prada, and Leonardo DiCaprio. UGH. This was NOT the day for regressive female stereotypes. 😒🌩
This light, perfectly drawn graphic novel will give you homogenous glimpses of married life in Paris with child just in case YOU did become an anthropologist 💄💅ðŸ¼