Another solid instalment in the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mysteries.
Another solid instalment in the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mysteries.
The fourth book in the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery Series. This was a great addition as the characters are really starting to hold their own. Jayne finally gets recognition as a true sidekick and even Detective Estrada is becoming more of a real character and not the caricature she was in the previous novels.
The whodunit was quite mysterious and there were many players that all had their possible motives for murder. I enjoyed the following of the clues as well as that Gemma absolutely was channeling her inner Sherlock when she donned disguises and infiltrated places that she otherwise wouldn‘t have had access to. This book was also my favorite in the series. Full review at www.thegenreminx.com #bookreviewer #TheGenreMinxBookReviews