Yay!! #CoffeeBeanBookClub #cbbc time!
Thank you @Callemarie for sending these books & yummmmmmeeeee coffees!! ♥️☕️📖♥️☕️📖
Yay!! #CoffeeBeanBookClub #cbbc time!
Thank you @Callemarie for sending these books & yummmmmmeeeee coffees!! ♥️☕️📖♥️☕️📖
Today was a GREAT day! #coffeebeanbookclub off to a great start! The coffee smells amazing and I can not wait to wake up and try it. My special treat is perfect too. I LOVE my stickers, and the lollies are BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you SO much!!!
Thank you @BethM for the coffee and the chocolate which arrived melted but I resolved it immediately. I put it in the fridge and then it melted again....but this time.... in my mouth 🤣🍫 😋mmmm I need to try the coffee.
I love that cover.
I sent my package and it should arrive next Tuesday 🤗
#CBBC @mommamanzi
🥰🥰🥰 #CoffeeBeanBookClub #cbbc arrived yesterday - thank you so much @Gissy for this perfect March package!! The coffees smell glorious, & the candle‘s scent is so fresh - I love it! The mug is adorable, & buggy tore into his awesome crafty present - so thoughtful! Oh, and those sweets — my sisters were here when this arrived and *we* tore into those immediately! So good!! Thank you!
Round 5 has begun!! OMG @Gissy what a wonderful & generous kickoff package for #CoffeeBeanBookClub #cbbc !! And Welcome!! ☕️📖♥️ The coffee smells delish, buggy & I ate the chocolate immediately, & I‘m floored by all the lovely valentine‘s extras - candle, mug, socks, & book sleeve!! 😍🥰😍 THANK YOU!! 💖💖💖
And of course, I feel like even more of a schlub for behind just a *smidge* behind in sending mine - it‘ll go tmrw! It‘s coming… Chrissy!
Yay!!! Received my #cbbc #coffeebeanbookclub package for this month! 💃🏽💃🏽 Thank you Nicole!! I love the extra Halloween goodies (as does Buggy, who already ran off with the puzzle and pumpkin chalkboard!), and I can‘t wait to try that coffee!! 🤤🤤 Also, you know I love those ooey gooey squares 😁😁
Thank you!! 🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡
💃🏽♥️💃🏽 Thank you @Mommamanzi !!! #CoffeeBeanBookClub #cbbc time is my favorite time of the month! I love all the fun vday and ♥️ treats and the tote!! And the coffee smells sooooo yum! Buggy‘s pretty excited for the book & the heart chalkboard too 😁🥰😁 I‘ve read this month‘s book already, so I should have *plenty* of time to send it on early! 😳😜 Thank you!!! ♥️🥰♥️
Thank you @SamHeartCoffee I can't wait to try the coffee, chocolate cherry-😋, and the tea. My daughter already stole a pkg of the tea biscuits😁 Love me some yoga! I'm going to try some of the poses that are new to me. Fun pkg.! #coffeebeanbookclub #CBBC
I made it back to the office today (temporary shipping address due to moving) for the first time in weeks, and found lovely surprises there!! ***Thank you*** @Callemarie for such a wonderful package & pick-me-up! 💙💙 #CoffeeBeanBookClub #cbbc I cant wait to try the coffee!! And the chocolates are some of my favorites 🥰😍🥰
(Book hidden time keep the surprise for @BethM 😏)
@SamHeartCoffee Thank you for the awesome #coffeebeanbookclub pkg! I'm getting ready to sample a cup of the Biscochito coffee😋 I'm obsessed with the werthers pumpkin spice caramels! Everything is great-thanks! #CBBC
So sorry for the delay in posting this, but Thank You @Marmie7 for such a wonderful package this/next month!! Those coffee nut m&m's?🤤 And the Brookside candies are my *favorites!* The coffee smells so good, & I love the scarf, socks, & enamel pin! Plus an extra book! Thank you!! #coffeebeanbookclub #cbbc ♥️♥️♥️
Also, for #StuffedStockingSwap #sss sorry for the delay in responding here & in email! I'll try to get to everything tonight!🎄❄️🎄❄️