Never cared much about Black Bolt and I still don‘t. But any book that can make me cry for Crusher Creel gets a thumbs-up from me.
Never cared much about Black Bolt and I still don‘t. But any book that can make me cry for Crusher Creel gets a thumbs-up from me.
A kaleidoscopic masterpiece of color and feeling. The action is so-so, much of the plotting is rushed — and it doesn‘t matter. This is good, powerful comics storytelling. Saladin Ahmed‘s two volumes here are some of Marvel‘s best stuff in ages.
This series is so good, y'all. In this second and final volume, writer Ahmed and artist Ward look at the aftermath of intense trauma: what happens to one's self-image, how relationships shift to accommodate new understandings, and which personal systems need to be reworked as everyone moves forward. It's beautifully done. You should read it. #readathon
It‘s taken me few hours to find my groove for this #readathon, so I just finished my first book of the day. I didn‘t like this volume as much as the first one, but I will read more comics written by Saladin Ahmed.
Breakfast and BLACK BOLT. I read most of this volume through Marvel Unlimited, but my subscription ended before the last issue went up. Thank goodness for the library! #readathon