Never cared much about Black Bolt and I still don‘t. But any book that can make me cry for Crusher Creel gets a thumbs-up from me.
Never cared much about Black Bolt and I still don‘t. But any book that can make me cry for Crusher Creel gets a thumbs-up from me.
Laying it on thick and heavy.
Highly recommended fantasy you‘ve never heard of. Wonderful start to a trilogy, beautifully written, with illustrations throughout by the author. Endlessly imaginative. So, so good.
What better way to start the year than with an excruciatingly long Robert Jordan prologue?
The great Wheel of Time readathon finally gets to the last book in the series I read when it first came out. After this it‘ll all be new to me.
"You're in veterinary medicine so get used to irrational dogma being accepted as fact." — one of my professors
I have a weakness for books with characters who share my name, and I have a weakness for books relevant to my family history, so I guess I have to read this one.