It was to gorgeous of a morning not to do a 5k!!!
Littens who camp: ✨🏕 ✨
Any extra doodads you absolutely love?
I‘ve got some gift cards & we‘re going camping at the end of May. We‘ve got all the major things already (sleeping bags, tent, sleeping pads) — but I‘m always down to improve in happy, little ways.
#MarchIntoThe70s Day 7: Covell has managed to capture the sun in all its glory, the forest in all its mustiness, the lake in all its blue saltiness in this book that I find to be a gift to the wild spirit lying dormant within any child. What a #WildWorld indeed. There is a boldness to the imagery that seems too huge –make that too infinite-to be contained within the pages, it spills out of the book entirely. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-j25
An enchanting picture book about running free in nature. The colorful illustrations use a mix of watercolor, ink, and either oil pastel or crayon. The effect is a spread across the page story of color and light and darkness. There is no such thing as “in the lines”. I love this almost impressionist style.