“But it was too late for happy endings. I was already dead.”
― Aimee Carter, The Goddess Test
What did you think of the book this month?
Do you think it is ever too late for a happy ending?
#ParanormalLoveCrew #PLC
“But it was too late for happy endings. I was already dead.”
― Aimee Carter, The Goddess Test
What did you think of the book this month?
Do you think it is ever too late for a happy ending?
#ParanormalLoveCrew #PLC
“Tonight marked the end of the only chapter in my life I‘d ever known, and I didn‘t know how to live in the emptiness ahead.”
― Aimee Carter, The Goddess Test
Who is your favorite Pop Culture God/Goddess?
Favorite God/Goddess Meme?
What do you do when a chapter in your life ends?
#ParanormalLoveCrew #PLC
“I should have loved him, I should've loved him so much that I ached over the thought of having to hurt him.”
― Aimee Carter, The Goddess Test
Would you befriend/fall for a God/Goddess?
What is your favorite God/Goddess book?
#ParanormalLoveCrew #PLC
“And I also know that the way I feel about you isn't going to change just because the seasons do.”
― Aimee Carter, The Goddess Test
Which book did you choose to read this month?
Are you excited about the changing of the seasons?
#ParanormalLoveCrew #PLC