Starting another #pulitzerprize winner.
Starting another #pulitzerprize winner.
This was the 1987 Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction. A saga about a family fleeing genteel Nashville society for Memphis after the father is disgraced from being swindled by a business colleague. Father, mother, and their four children subsequently define their lives by this event and their obsession over all of the ways in which they believe their lives in Nashville were superior.
Picked this up at a used book store in rural MA. Had never heard of title or author. Yet it's a Pulitzer Prize winner. And deservedly so. Story of southern family manipulated by a father unlike any other. Not abusive in traditional sense, he nevertheless sets out to undermine the lives of his children for his own aggrandizement. Unusual, beautifully written & supremely satisfying. Gives revenge an entirely new cast.