Tabby and Shy ☺️ I loved Tabby in Motorcycle Man and her story was so sad, but good! Her and Shy both have so much baggage and that they eventually came together had me a bit emotional.
Tabby and Shy ☺️ I loved Tabby in Motorcycle Man and her story was so sad, but good! Her and Shy both have so much baggage and that they eventually came together had me a bit emotional.
Finally starting the Chaos series! I have to pace myself with her books, they‘re so good and I don‘t want to burn myself out on them.
Loved this book. Most definitely will continue on with the series.
Finished this today! It was actually a re-read, this is the book that started it all for me with KA! I read it, loved it, but felt like I was missing stuff (cameos, references, back stories etc) so I went to her website. I found out that pretty much all of her characters live in the same world, and to "get it" you have to read in order. Thus, my spreadsheet was born, I started with the Rock Chicks this year and have never looked back! Rock on!
Any other KA fans out there? I've always wanted to read her books but was overwhelmed by her "reading order" instructions on her website. Since she publishes multiple series at once, there's a lot of overlap! I actually read Own the Wind but could tell I was "missing" a lot of the references. So I sat down, made this spreadsheet, and am working my way through her backlist. Any other spreadsheet lovers out there? ? #nerdalert ?