This is one I‘ve had on my Nook for some time. I‘m reading my oldest added now when I read on my Nook. It‘s kinda fun because some books I don‘t remember adding. I have a pretty good feeling this one is going to make me cry.
This is one I‘ve had on my Nook for some time. I‘m reading my oldest added now when I read on my Nook. It‘s kinda fun because some books I don‘t remember adding. I have a pretty good feeling this one is going to make me cry.
LOVED THIS. I cried. I needed a good cry. (Who doesn‘t?) #ClassicsClub #inthehouseforyears #finallyread #thanks to a bloggerfriend who mailed it to me in 2012 #DogsofLitsy #EstherAssisting #Griff #WHPG #Estheris11onthe17th #WiaN #ONECategory #WiaN2021 #WhatsinaName #MothersandDaughters #FathersandDaughters #AssistedSuicide #Cancer #Book2Movie
Books are the destination, the journey... and home. #Truth #AnnaQuindlen #BOTM
“We cry to give voice to our pain.”
“Sometimes people need to hear things said out loud before they become real.”
“How providential that most children left home when they did, before they were wise enough to understand their parents.”
Time to put this one down for the night. I can‘t read any more for the tears flowing down my cheeks. #soclosetohome
I visited this wonderful book store in Belfast , Maine today. I bought One True Thing and The Pilots Wife.
My 1994 copy. Dug this one out from the deepest recess of one of my many bookshelves. An oldie, but certainly a goodie.