Another quick, delightful, amazing-food-filled read! I really like Ollie and her pals, and look forward to more adventures with them! #buffalowestwing #juliehyzy #whitehousechefmysteries
Another quick, delightful, amazing-food-filled read! I really like Ollie and her pals, and look forward to more adventures with them! #buffalowestwing #juliehyzy #whitehousechefmysteries
Oh my God, I need to go to sleep, but I can‘t put this down. Every time I close it, I just pick it up again. 🙄 I have no self-control, and really lousy priorities. #buffalowestwing #juliehyzy #whitehousechefmysteries
I keep telling myself “just one more chapter,” and here we are. #buffalowestwing #juliehyzy #whitehousechefmysteries
I should really be going to sleep, but I thought I‘d get a head start on this, and maybe be able to give two of the three books the library patron lent me back to her tomorrow. Plus, I haven‘t slept well for a year, so I might as well make it worth it. 😂 #buffalowestwing #juliehyzy #whitehousechefmysteries