Right next to it‘s siblings, officially read and loved and alsjdgwlwjdheish 😍😍😍😍😍
Right next to it‘s siblings, officially read and loved and alsjdgwlwjdheish 😍😍😍😍😍
I got all this for $54 I only paid $4 out of pocket because my dad give me a $50 BN gift card for my birthday and I am a member. I forgot my $25 my mom give me at home lol. I love how if it‘s not in stock in the store they will order them for you.
I really enjoyed this book. I‘m happy we had a chance to check out this other world and see the difference in all the characters from zoeys world to Kevin‘s world. The ending tears at your heart strings and I just hope they give Kevin someone else to love.
Just finished reading lost and I must say I loved it! I enjoyed seeing this new world and how the characters in Kevin‘s world act vs. zoeys world, along with what‘s new or different. The ending was a shock for me and I feel so sad for Kevin. He was finally happy and now this death just breaks his heart. I‘m hoping the authors find someone that fits Kevin and I can‘t wait to see what happens next with both of these amazing worlds! 😍
Enjoying this book so far. I enjoyed loved by pc cast and Kristin cast, now we get to learn more about other Kevin and his world, which I love. Can‘t wait to see what else happens to my favorite characters. :)
Got Lost last night!!