#WeRemember Day 30: A gorgeously illustrated picturebook of #MayaAngelou‘s poem, “Love‘s Exquisite Freedom.” Check out my review here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-9ZQ
#WeRemember Day 30: A gorgeously illustrated picturebook of #MayaAngelou‘s poem, “Love‘s Exquisite Freedom.” Check out my review here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-9ZQ
#AuthorAMonth - February- Maya Angelou:
This poem is represented best in the incredibly beautiful tagged book. The union of artistry on behalf of the poet and the painter is glorious. Today, the attention is given to the poem, but if you are given the opportunity, do spend time with the book, the artwork of Sir Edward Burne-Jones, is breathtaking.👇🏽
#JuneItsElectrifying Day 29: This illustrated anthology of some of the most romantic love poems ever written is perfect for #LoveIsAManySplendoredThing - but is not on Litsy‘s database. Another book which I referenced in my review is tagged here. I also loved how the editors managed to find the exact painting that seemed to have inspired the creation of the love poem. Full review here: https://gatheringbooks.org/2018/03/02/poetry-friday-20/