This book is well-written and pretty deep for a young adult audience. Nicely done!
This book is well-written and pretty deep for a young adult audience. Nicely done!
I‘m posting one book per day from my ever-increasing TBR. No description. No explanation. Just books to read. Join the fun if you want.
Day 25.
Pleasantly surprised with the way this fleshed out. I‘m 4 decades out of the demographic for this one, so the teen romance drama was a bit annoying, yet this is what I loved about the book: the road trip which brought me through NoCal, Oregon, and Washington, the side characters, the up-trading on Craig‘s List and of course, the ‘68 Firebird Convertible with stick shift. This started out a 2.5 for me and ended at 3.75🚙
I had no idea the US was bombed from the air by a Japanese soldier...Brookings, Oregon
Sorry about my foot, it‘s been a bad hip spell. Dean Martin on my lap modeling with current read.It‘s slow, but so am I. I‘m digging the ‘68 convertible Firebird, but all the ex boyfriend angst is getting tiresome. I‘m sticking with this one bc it‘s a road trip in Northern Cal. Always up my alley🏔
I was pretty excited for this book. A roadtrip and a story of loss are 2 of my favorite storylines. That is what saved this book for me. I didn't like Ali, the main character. I couldn't connect with her, in fact i kept finding myself annoyed with her. Overall I wanted to like this book more than I did. It's a quick and easy read though, so if that's what you'd looking for give this a shot.
This lazy Sunday I'm curled up on the couch, enjoying the journey this book is taking me on.
#sunday #jessicabrody
I have seen Gilmore Girls upwards of 12 times all the way through. It's my perfect background noise to read to.
Plus it's International Women's Day, so what else should I watch?
I feel so attacked and heard at the same time by this exchange.
My new read. Recommended by my boss, have any of you read it?
This was one of those books that touches your soul and makes you all the better for it. It's stayed with me since I finished it, and I think it'll be resonating in my mind for a very long time to come.
Read more on my blog: wayfaringbibliomaniac.wordpress.com/the-geography-of-lost-things-by-jessica-brody-arc-review
"You must be looking for something...Or you wouldn't be here."
His words are so spot-on, his comprehension so profound, I flinch and look at him