Ya historical fiction about wwii.
I still haven't quite figured out how to do words about this one. I need more people to read it so they can help me sort out my emotions. Because I have a lot of them. If you're into WWII-YA this is right up your alley. Even. If you're not it probably is, too, in this day and age. Sigh. I'm gonna go emote a bit more about this.
Started reading one of the most praised book of this year "My Real Name Is Hanna" by Tara Lynn Masih. I have received review copy of this book. This book is inspired by holocaust events. It's Masih's first novel and is the winner of Skipping Stone Honor Award. It will be out in early September. I am so excited to start reading this book ????
Mostly watching le Tour, but trying to sneak in a few pages whenever the riders I don't care about are out. Time trials are the /best/. 🚴 #readathon
I stayed up late and finished this book in one sitting. 😍 5/5 Look for it on shelves in September! You can find my review on #goodreads.
#myrealnameishanna #WW2 #ARC #Holocaust #Ukraine #Survival #Hope #Family #NetGalley #comingsoon
Love this! Gave me chills. #MyRealNameIsHanna #ARC #foreshadowing #WW2 #NetGalley
Excited to start my ARC of #MyRealNameIsHanna a book inspired by real Holocaust events. #WW2 #hictoricalfiction #teens #YA