Dan Abram's work on Lincoln is worth reading. It is not always a page turner, but does contain interesting aspects of Lincoln's law career and the times he lived in.
Dan Abram's work on Lincoln is worth reading. It is not always a page turner, but does contain interesting aspects of Lincoln's law career and the times he lived in.
Listening to this at work out in the field. Very interesting. Over halfway through. Sometimes hard to keep up with all the names but it is really good.
Really interesting book not only on this specific trial, but also on the history of American criminal law. #nonfiction #2019 #bookreview #history #lincoln 4⭐️
1) Two. The United States 🇺🇸 and Brazil 🇧🇷 (lived in Brazil for 2 years when I was a kid).
2) Both; depends on the mood. Living in BC I have both at my disposal fairly easily.
3) Notre Dame Cathedral
4) Beach
#wonderouswednesday @Eggs
My afternoon read.
Great book with insight into the legal system and courtrooms in the 1800's. Told from the point of view of the court reporter.
I don‘t have much to say about this audiobook. It‘s an interesting case and I learned a lot, but it didn‘t really impact my opinion of Lincoln or change my life in any way.
My last book of 2018
#readinthenewyear #newyearseve
Decent overall - some parts were boring, but interesting to read about Lincoln as a lawyer and the history of the legal system.
If the print book has diagrams, you should read it instead of listen...