#SeptemberSenses Day 23: I curated these three picturebooks and featured them in one post to portray #ColorfulMoods. See my review here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-irb
#SeptemberSenses Day 23: I curated these three picturebooks and featured them in one post to portray #ColorfulMoods. See my review here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-irb
#LilithJuly Day 6: This girl clearly is #NotReadyToMakeNice. While she was not ignored, her emotions were not blown out of proportion either or “managed” expertly by the adults around her. It also raises the important message of unconditionally accepting our children – in whatever mood they are in. The book beautifully highlights the tumultuous nature of a child‘s emotions effectively. My full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-irb
#HeyJune Day 5: I suppose it is safe to say that #SheLovesYou not. Shows a more nuanced and textured approach to children‘s mighty complex emotional lives. The landscape is vast - and definitely goes beyond discrete emojis of emotions.