This book is laugh-out-loud hilarious. It lives on my nightstand as a palate cleanser and joy-bringer.
This book is laugh-out-loud hilarious. It lives on my nightstand as a palate cleanser and joy-bringer.
I love the wit and type of humor in this series so much! I finally figured out who Jason Fitger reminds me of… Bernard Black from the British tv show ‘Black Books‘ 😂🤣 Once I made that connection I couldn‘t picture anyone else. So, if you enjoy that type of humor (very wry and ironic) I think you‘ll like this series 😄 I‘m continuing my binge of this series and moving onto the 3rd book right now (“The English Experience”).
I can‘t any more. I gave it a solid hundred pages and it‘s just really unpleasant to slog through the machinations of this failing, dysfunctional college English department. Her other book I found funny but this is just so blah.
Luckily I don‘t even have to leave the couch to find another book to start!
Wanted to love this but just could t get into, even though the themes were great.
I adored Dear Committee Members. The Shakespeare Requirement is a worthy sequel, even though it does not have the epistolary style of its predecessor. I know that as an English teacher, I am probably the target audience for these novels. I find them hilarious, yet touching as the best comic campus novels should be.
It‘s been a really rough few days. My best kind of self-care right here; a light, fun yet darkish witty book, a glass of wine, an aromatic candle and a tub full of Dr. Teal‘s. I may stay here all weekend.
Loved it-funny, satirical, observant portrait of higher education machinations.
A really fun book with a quick pace. Set at a small university in the English department as a debate raged on if all English majors should have to take a Shakespeare course.
“This was the amicably banal sort of dialogue, he thought, in which he and Janet would have indulged if they had stayed married. Over dinner, they would have discussed hemorrhoids and cataracts and the replacing of knees. “Just tell me they didn‘t put quotation marks around ‘special‘ pasta,” he said. “You know I can‘t eat things that are badly punctuated or misspelled.”
The follow up to "Dear Committee Members" follows professor Jay Fitger, now head of the floundering English department at Payne University, as he navigates university politics and tries to get his faculty to agree on the statement of purpose. This one didn't really live up to its predecessor for me. I don't know if it was the shift from letters to third person or if I just don't know academia enough to get the jokes. I do love the cover.
I enjoyed Dear Committee Members so I‘m looking forward to this.
Fitger, unsurprisingly, was ten minutes late to his own meeting. He found the faculty seated scattershot in the classroom‘s desk-and-chair contraptions, some facing east, some north or west—like frustrated drivers in a series of stalled bumper cars.
This is why I love this character.
Two pages in and I am loving this one!
I loved Dear Committee Members so I have high hopes for this one. Plus it seems apropos to be reading this as school is about to start up again. #schnauzersoflitsy
Hilarious followup to Dear Committee Members. Should be required reading of all of us working in academia, for comic relief as we head into the fall semester (but read the first book first as they are consecutive). eARC from publisher, out August 14.