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Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes
Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
El ano de mis noventa anos quise regalarme una noche de amor con una adolescente virgen. Un viejo periodista decide festejar sus noventa anos a lo grande, dandose un regalo que le hara sentir que todavia esta vivo: una jovencita. En el prostibulo de un pintoresco pueblo, ve a la jovencita de espaldas, completamente desnuda, y su vida cambia radicalmente. Ahora que la conoce se encuentra a punto de morir, pero no por viejo, sino de amor. Asi, Memoria de mis putas tristes cuenta la vida de este anciano solitario lleno de man as. Por el sabremos como en todas sus aventuras sexuales (que no fueron pocas) siempre dio a cambio algo de dinero, pero nunca imagino que de ese modo encontrar a el verdadero amor. Esta nueva novela es una conmovedora reflexion que celebra las alegrias del enamoramiento y contempla las desventuras de la vejez, escrito en el estilo incomparable de Gabriel Garcia Marquez. In my ninetieth year, I decided to give myself the gift of a night of love with a young virgin. An elderly journalist decides to celebrate his 90 years in a grand way, giving himself a present that will make him feel like he s still alive: a virgin. In the brothel of a picturesque town, he sees the young woman from the back, completely naked, and his life changes radically. Now that he meets her he finds himself close to dying, not of old age, but rather of love. Memoria de mis putas tristes is the story of this eccentric, solitary old man, a narrative of his sexual adventures (of which there were many), for which he always paid, never imagining that this would be the way he would discover true love. This new novel, written in Gabriel Garcia Marquez s incomparable style movingly, contemplates the misfortunes of old age and celebrates the joys of being in love. "From the Hardcover edition.""
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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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willaful Yikes! 9mo
SamAnne I loathe GGM. 9mo
KateReadsYA @SamAnne I can see why, I cut off the bottom of my review, but in the notes section, it says I won't be reading anymore books by this author. 9mo
RamsFan1963 Ewwww!! Just reading the synopsis, I feel like I need to take a shower 🤮 9mo
KateReadsYA @RamsFan1963 Yeah it says in the summary that instead of sex he discovers "love" because they give her a sleep aid and she sleeps naked while he lays next to her and imagines a life together. CREEPY!!!! 9mo
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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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I liked this one actually.

It‘s not as problematic as the title would indicate (or maybe it is problematic since the whole premise is about a ninety year old kind of getting with a…well I‘m not gonna get into that…).

But seriously, for the most part this book is acceptable…I think…or everyone is acting like it‘s acceptable because it‘s Márquez or…

I am so confused now!

In fact, thinking about all this just derailed my whole review, but okay.

Texreader 😂😂😂 3y
BarbaraBB I love it when a book does that! 3y
Dvd I love this book. It is wonderful to be challenged by the thoughts of the author.
Taylor @Dvd True. 3y
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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Rating: 4/5 stars.

Favorite author. Favorite book.
A part of me was broken after reading this. Only Gabo could have written a story like this.

Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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How this novel, really a novella, works so well is a bit of odd mystery. The plot is more disturbing than the title, yet it‘s somehow really enjoyable to read. My last book of 2018.

arubabookwoman Did you finish your Marquez reading, or will it continue into 2019? 6y
Graywacke @arubabookwoman I did finish! Woot! 😊 This book wraps it up. (I posted a little summary on my LT thread) 6y
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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Finishing off the year by starting this book...and maybe finishing it too. It‘s a quick (and terrifically disturbing) read. This will complete my 2018 trail through almost all Gabriel Garcia Marquez‘s books.

Liz_M Amazing! 6y
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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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I almost didn‘t read this as I thought the premise might be too disturbing, but thankfully the worst of my fears did not come to fruition. I did find the 90 year old narrator to be fairly pathetic with his ‘adolescent‘s pain‘, projection onto a 14-15 year old and lifetime of lost opportunities. However, it is a well written, layered story and no one puts me in more of a place/time trance than Gabriel García Márquez.

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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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#HeatofJuly #partyrockanthem
I remember in the early/mid 90s, the song Macarena by the Spanish duo, Los Del Rio was such a party anthem, introducing us the crazy Macarena moves. The song was a craze, gives much fun and feel-good vibes instantly to any party. And here‘s a book by a Spanish author from my TBR.

BarbaraBB All the love for García Marquez ? 6y
Cinfhen Well played 👍🏻🎉💚 6y
Cathythoughts I love this writer ❤️ 6y
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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

I feel like I was expecting too much of this book. It wasn't a bad read but also at the end I find myself wondering what the point of it was. It tells the story of a 90yo who wants to have sex with a virgin on his birthday. He is given a girl but instead of sleeping with her, he starts to live out a delusion of love (as I read it) that makes his life exciting. It has some interesting prose but nothining amazing. A short read

More on my GR

Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Who does this? 🙋

Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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My coworker said this was a really good #book and now I'm going to #read it while at work 😎😎

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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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This book is by far one of his best I read it fully in a two hour train ride. Totally recommend

Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

I don't care how you read or what you read, just read #ilovereading 📚😃

Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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My last read of 2017 was one of my favorite authors. I had a problem with some of the content but I can‘t help loving his writing.

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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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This one is snarkier than I was expecting ? Trying to get a few more books done today before 2017 is over. The subject matter here is a bit eyebrow raising in the current climate, but I love García Márquez and have had this on the shelf forever so am giving it a chance.

Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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#readathon wrap-up: I managed over 4 hours, which is every minute I could've been reading in the last 24 hours! I spent the first 5 hours in Nablus, then joined the #litsymigraineclub and slept, and this morning went to worship and ate lunch with my host family.

I finished and loved Her Body; it really picked back up after lagging for a couple stories! So far I love Black Tom too, and Memories has an excellent narrator (Thom Rivera).

Cinfhen Sorry about the migraine 😩🤕 7y
DGRachel Migraines are terrible. I hope you feel better! 7y
Caterina @Cinfhen @DGRachel Thank y'all!! ❤️❤️ I'm still exhausted, as I always am after a migraine, but I feel much better! 😊 7y
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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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I think my #24in48 stack is too ambitious... these plus 3 graphic novels, various audiobooks and #JulyIsStrange (The Idiot is my current read, but I'm only halfway through) 😳 just over 1 hour before it starts!

Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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A story about lost love, love bought, finding love at the least expected time and place, and of the irrationalities and pain that come with true love. The story of a 90 year old journalist who unexpectedly finds love.

The first I've read by Marquez and it won't be the last. If you've watched the movie Love in the Time of Cholera you'll understand when I say that this is definitely his style. English translation: Memories of My Melancholy Whores.

JoRead My brother's told me about this book because he loved it so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it as well 😊 7y
TheBookAddict @JoRead I can see why he enjoyed it so much. It may have some topics that some people may not like to read about, but it's more than just about that. I'm glad I didn't shy away from it and gave it a chance! 7y
Godmotherx5 The only book of his I've read so far. I saw the "cholera" movie. If my TBR wasn't so long, I'd get back to him, soon. 7y
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TheBookAddict @Godmotherx5 yeah, I have huge TBR pile, yet I keep on adding to it and reading books that aren't in it. 😔😅 7y
Gissy I was going to quit this one. It disturbed me his thoughts about that little girl! 😡 7y
TheBookAddict @Gissy it was disturbing, but I found that it was more about his lost years in complacency, bought "love," and his selfish ways. It was about how it is never too late to start living and truly loving. 7y
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Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"No resistí más. Ella lo sintió, vio mis ojos húmedos de lágrimas, y sólo entonces debió descubrir que ya no era el que fui y le sostuve la mirada con un valor del que nunca me creí capaz. Es que me estoy volviendo viejo, le dije. Ya lo estamos, suspiró ella. Lo que pasa es que uno no lo siente por dentro, pero desde fuera todo el mundo lo ve."
(P. 95)

JoRead Isn't that the truth! You don't feel it, that is, until you look in the mirror 😅 7y
TheBookAddict @JoRead yes, sadly 😔 7y
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Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"Aquella tarde, de regreso a casa otra vez sin el gato y sin ella, comprobé que no solo era posible morirse, sino que yo mismo, viejo y sin nadie, estaba muriéndome de amor. Pero también me di cuenta de que era válida la verdad contraria: no habría cambiado por nada del mundo las delicias de mi pesadumbre." (P. 83)

Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"El sexo es el consuelo que uno tiene no le alcanza el amor." (P. 70)

Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"No se equivoque: los loquitos mansos se adelantan al porvenir." (P. 67)

Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"El chofer me previno: Cuidado, sabio, en esa casa matan. Le contesté: Si es por amor no importa." (P.63)

Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"La edad no es la que uno tiene sino la que uno siente." (P. 61)

Gissy Cierto! 7y
TheBookAddict @Gissy si. Lo malo es que con forme van pasando los años es más y más difícil mantenerlo en mente. 7y
Gissy Sí ☺️ 7y
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Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"...aquél fue el principio de una nueva vida a una edad en que la mayoría de los mortales están muertos." (P. 10)

Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Ella: ¿Por qué no me lo encargaste con más tiempo?
El: La inspiración no avisa.
Ella: Pero tal vez espera.
El: ...en un negocio como aquél, a mi edad, cada hora es un año. (P. 10)

Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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These pockets make me nostalgic...😢

Texreader I know. Right? 7y
TheBookAddict @Texreader yes! It brings back childhood memories of when I first wrote my name on one of those cards. I felt so proud of myself. I felt like one of the smart big kids. 😢they don't have the pockets in new books... 7y
Texreader @TheBookAddict I'm with you. And I really miss card catalogs. 7y
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Megabooks For sure! 7y
Lizpixie I bought myself a Personal Library Kit that has the pockets, cards, a date stamp, ink pad and pencil so I can control who has my books and when they have to return them. It's fantastic! And you can buy refills of the pockets & cards. @Texreader @TheBookAddict @Booksandcooks (edited) 7y
TheBookAddict @Lizpixie I will have to do the same! 7y
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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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#marchintoreading #judgedbyitscover so I've only read Memories of My Melancholy Whores years ago and I remember little but I think it was an example of reading a book at the wrong time. Might have to reread. The other three I did look at because of the cover but I genuinely am interested in what they are about.

Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Pretty book jacket for #somethingpretty. #riotgrams @bookriot

Moray_Reads Beautiful! 8y
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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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#feisyfeb #latinxauthor books from my TBR mountain. I've only read one other book from Isabel Allende (The House of the Spirits).
@RealLifeReading #diversereads

hlgreenfield How is The House of Spirits? I got it as a gift a while ago and have been meaning to read it! 8y
erzascarletbookgasm @hlgreenfield do check out my review; I gave it a Pick, but not an easy read for me. :) 8y
hlgreenfield @erzascarletbookgasm thanks. I'll check it out :) 8y
hlgreenfield It sounds interesting! Not easy to read ( and by the description maybe I'll have to skip a bit), but definitely intrigued me to want to read it! 8y
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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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#FeistyFeb #Day8 Latinx Author @RealLifeReading

I think I listened to this one off Audible at a friend's recommendation many years back, pre-GoodReads. I don't remember it well, but I know I was surprised how much I enjoyed it.

monkeygirlsmama Side note RE: the term Latinx ... An article I was reading, when I looked this term up online, said that most people of Spanish decent would prefer the standard gender specific terms "Latino" and "Latina" be used. The gender neutral usage and removal of the "o/a" makes the Spanish language translations incredibly difficult to read and say. 8y
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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

This is a great book that proves love is ageless

Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Done with the first book off of my #litsyatoz. Moving on to this as a filler between biographies.

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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"The invincible power that has moved the world is unrequited, not happy, love."

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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"The invincible power that has moved the world is unrequited, not happy, love."

Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Picked up a Gabriel Garcia after a long time and I was not sorry. Love is ageless, eternal - you are lucky to find it at least once in your lifetime. 👍👍👍👍.

Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Loving the humor with which Marquez writes.

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Memories of My Melancholy Whores | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Cracking the spine.