It‘s got such a lovely cover!! #bookmail
It‘s got such a lovely cover!! #bookmail
Happy opening day for #theretellingbookswap by @Mommamanzi 🌙🔮 My partner was @youneverarrived and she has sent me the most lovely things. Thank you Katie. I have read Drown before and it‘s such a brilliant book! I look forward to trying Bitter Greens, that sounds interesting. I LOVE the sea witch candle which is from my favourite candle store to boot! Everything is lovely. I hope you like yours too! ♥️
I brought you here to tell you this: sometimes what we are searching for does not exist. We may sacrifice for it, even bleed for it, but it was never meant to be ours
I would give anything to be a mermaid. I love the ocean and the sound of the waves. It soothes my soul. My family has a beach house down in NC and we spend at least a week there every summer. It's so beautiful.
#drown #estherdalseno #bookstagram #inkandwonder #bookmark
Only 450 characters 😒review is up on my goodreads and instagram account. Sorry guys 💚just know it was a 5🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 read for me