Here is Tank! He looks so proud! That‘s strawberrry in his mouth not the blood of his enemies! #tortoisesoflitsy
@Trashcanman won the guessing game!! 🐢
Here is Tank! He looks so proud! That‘s strawberrry in his mouth not the blood of his enemies! #tortoisesoflitsy
@Trashcanman won the guessing game!! 🐢
This is definitely a strange book, but strange in a generally charming way! Audrey is quite a singular character, and I appreciate any story where you get an animal‘s POV but it‘s not cheesy or sappy AF. I kinda want a whole book from Winifred‘s perspective! The time jumps were a little hard to follow, and it did feel a little dragged out in the last quarter or so, but overall it was fun and definitely something different ☺️🐢 3/5 ⭐️
The tension arose when I was first recruited by the Major General to clean up the living room and we pulled back the sofa and found a card shuffler, which my dad said was a gift from Patience. An idiotic gift, he said. Who can‘t shuffle cards.
I pointed out that a one armed man could not shuffle cards.
My dad looked abashed. You‘re right, he said.
[Audrey calling out ableism 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻]
I also love compartments, and specifically loved airplane meals as a kid (back when flying was a thing I could do) for having everything in its own little compartment. Now I wish I‘d thought at least once to ask if I could keep the tray!! Also I feel slightly less weird for seeing this quirk validated in a book.
A grognard is someone who has just woken up and is not yet happy about it.
[Well then, that‘s me every morning!]
Uh-oh. Am I going to have to hate Audrey?? Here‘s hoping this rule changes...
Based on the bizarre synopsis, I probably never would‘ve picked up this book. But a booktuber I adore (April at GettingHyggeWithIt) absolutely loves it and her reviews made me decide to give it a chance. Plus, the title is a Shakespeare reference, so 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 #nowreading
This was a very sweet, enjoyable quirky read. It's narrated by a non-neurotypical woman and a tortoise. The book examines grief, loss, the importance of family and finding ways to live in the world that work for us. It's sad, it's funny, it's goofy and, at times profound. A great read!