#12DaysOfChristmas - Candy Cane (Red and White)
11 points
@Clwojick #WinterGames2020 #MerryReaders
#12DaysOfChristmas - Candy Cane (Red and White)
11 points
@Clwojick #WinterGames2020 #MerryReaders
Marcus Sedgwick always weaves fascinating tales quite often walking a fine line between historical and fantasy but all so different! Two of my favourites here:
Blood Red, Snow White: Russian history - fairytale feel but not a retelling
My Swordhand is singing: Vampires (but not the romantic type)- Gothic feel.
(Also not pictured here but a definite favourite is The book of the Dead Days - lots of Victorianesque creepy vibes)
"You have life written all over you. Some people bear tragedy on their faces; loss, death, whatever it might be. But you have life."
#heartless #marissameyer #marcussedgwick #bloodredsnowwhite #myswordhandissinging
Anyone else stop and wonder at choice of saying Nicholas called Alexandra Alix (her name, not a nickname) instead of Sunny? If you're comparing to Nicholas--Nicky, wouldn't Alix--Sunny make more sense?
One last night of reading by the tree before it has to come down. It's such a special holiday tradition for me to sit down quietly and read with my tree in the background, and I'm always sad to pack it up for another year. This one has given me lots of joy this holiday season!
"How much do we ever know of our own stories, as we live them?"
It is a snowy day here in NYC, so my book is feeling particularly appropriate! I picked this one up at #bookriotlive on the recommendation of one of the booksellers there. I'm excited to dive into this one. Plus, look at that gorgeous cover!
Enjoyed this book based on events in Arthur Ransome's life; I had no idea the author of my beloved Swallows and Amazons led such an interesting life!
Couldn't resist putting this up on here 😊😊 Little sticker present for myself from the other side of the pond!!
"Beyond the sunrise, halfway to the moon, and so very far away it would make your feet weep to think about it, lies a land vast in size and deep in sadness."
Near 9am and I'm still in bed reading... #HappyMothersDay