#IdiomInsight Day 5: There are definitely some #CutCorners in this lemon cheesecake with lemon sorbet on the side. Taken a month ago while in Bodrum, Turkey. Naturally paired with a book by one of Turkey‘s finest novelists.
#IdiomInsight Day 5: There are definitely some #CutCorners in this lemon cheesecake with lemon sorbet on the side. Taken a month ago while in Bodrum, Turkey. Naturally paired with a book by one of Turkey‘s finest novelists.
#SummerSpecial Day 30: There are unlikely friends in this novel making it a good #FriendsDay book. Reading with the Aegean sea in the background. Paired with my all-time fave lemonade.
I put this down a few months ago and when I picked it up again I had lost the thread. I love the intricacies & intelligence of Orhan Pamuk‘s writing but this was too convoluted for me (even Byzantine). His sentences are lyrical but I couldn‘t engage with the characters. Also the translator refers to ‘Istanbul‘ but it‘s set in the 17th century, so this jarred a bit (unless I‘m wrong? I thought Istanbul was used later).
I wanted to love this book (Pamuk's My Name Is Red is one of my favorites). The premise is interesting, the writing is good, the ending is masterful---but it bogs down in the middle, at least for me. Loved the narrative frame and unreliable narrator, wasn't into the psychological intrigue.
I'll read just about anywhere, but this is my favorite spot in the house. #riotgrams #whereiread