No time for cleaning the house, I‘m afraid. Today Corvinus and I are unravelling a conspiracy in ancient Rome.
No time for cleaning the house, I‘m afraid. Today Corvinus and I are unravelling a conspiracy in ancient Rome.
A very entertaining yet also informative novel set in Classical Rome@during the reign of Emperor Tiberius. Read my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19379204-ovid. #ovid #davidwishart #history #latin #classics #crime #murder #fiction #humour #marcuscorvinus
Just had a marvellous conversation with a complete stranger about Ovid and Ted Hughes‘s translation of ‘The Metamorphoses‘. Just another glorious morning on The Hill. #davidwishart #ovid #eggsroyale #muswellhill #muswellhillbilly #cotebrasserie #book #books #currentlyreading #bookstagram #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #caffeine #caffeineaddict #tedhughes #i❤️muswellhill
Enjoying a gentle start to Saturday. This book has proved very entertaining so far - reminiscent of Lindsey Davis‘s novels featuring Falco. #cotebrasserie #muswellhill #muswellhillbilly #n10 #books #book #currentlyreading #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #caffeine #frenchbreakfast #davidwishart #ovid #fiction #caffeineaddict