Found this one on my bookshelf. It got lost among the many hundreds! Trying to decide if I should keep it...
Found this one on my bookshelf. It got lost among the many hundreds! Trying to decide if I should keep it...
A tentative “pick.” I admire the series of which “Secrets in the Snow” is a part (“Novels of Intrigue & Romance”); Michaela MacColl takes famous women from history & creates YA mystery/romance stories, casting the young women as sleuths. I adore “Always Emily” (Emily Bronte), “Prisoners in the Palace” (Queen Victoria), & “Nobody‘s Secret” (Emily Dickinson). This one (about Jane Austen) suffered from repetitive prose & a lackluster central romance.
“Jane stared out the window; the moon cast a bright light over the snow-covered fields. Although the sky was clear, she thought she could smell snow in the air. James often teased her about her weather sense, but it was nearly infallible.”
Jane Austen/Gilmore Girls mash-up, anyone?
“I daresay I must add charity to your list of accomplishments,” Mr. Lefroy said.
Jane‘s color rose at his mocking tone. She resented his assumption that he, as an eligible gentleman, had the right to judge her accomplishments - or lack of them.”
“I wish I were going with you,” Cassandra said.
Jane lifted her eyebrows. “You hate adventure. Your preference is always to be in front of a warm fire.”
Cassandra shrugged her shoulders and smiled.
Uh-oh. I just started a new book, & I usually love Michaela MacColl‘s “Novels of Intrigue & Romance”... but this isn‘t a good sign. 😩🤞🏻