“In April 1990, a fictional library in a Richard Brautigan novel became a real place in Burlington. The Brautigan Library only accepted unpublished books. As the national media spread the news of the library's existence, unpublished manuscripts began arriving from all over North America. The library had visitors from as far away as Los Angeles & London who came to Burlington to experience it. Over 100 local volunteers kept the library running.” 🔽
Suet624 I walked by this library so often and loved knowing it was in my town. It‘s no longer there. In 2010, the library moved to Vancouver, WA, where it is overseen by Washington State University and a local museum. https:// www.toddrlockwood.com/the-brautigan-library.html (edited) 11mo
Aims42 That is so neat! I love the mayonnaise jar system 😂 11mo
Leftcoastzen I wanna go! 11mo
Reggie How cool! 11mo
Tamra How awesome! 11mo
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