Starting this one. Chapter one was a crazy chapter. What a way to start off a book. This was recommended to me by a friend. And the stuff happened 45 minutes away from where i live. So that makes it more interesting.
Starting this one. Chapter one was a crazy chapter. What a way to start off a book. This was recommended to me by a friend. And the stuff happened 45 minutes away from where i live. So that makes it more interesting.
Inspiring! Of course my outcome would be more sinister!
This is a #memoir about #God, #faith, #persecution, #murder, and #forgiveness. Rebecca and her family moved to #Sellerstown, where her father served as a pastor. Her family faced persecution from one power-hungry man, Watts and his accomplice, Williams. The relentless persecution ended in tragedy and shattered both the lives of Rebecca and her brother, Daniel. Despite all this, God is good and through forgiveness, #peace is made. #awesomeread