Isn‘t this lovely? Collecting books for the winter! #Poem by #NikkiGiovanni illustrated by #AshleyBryan
Isn‘t this lovely? Collecting books for the winter! #Poem by #NikkiGiovanni illustrated by #AshleyBryan
The sun is so quiet is a bundle of poems about nature and other things. There‘s poems about rainbows, with bright, colorful, and even diverse illustrations on the pages. It has a theme of being yourself in a lot of the poems.
If I could climb the mountains
And rest on clouds that float
I'd swim across the clear blue air
To reach my rainbow boat.
My rainbow boat is oh so big
And I could be so tall
As I sit in my captain's chair
The master of it all.“
I'm not sure if I would use this book in my classroom. It honestly didn't really stick out to me as something that would be beneficial for me to use to as a resource to teach. I think I would simply keep this book as a fun read for children who want to look at and enjoy the illustrations.
The Sun Is So Quiet written by Nikki Giovanni. This book is full of poems that describe childhood memories and moments spent throughout the winter. The illustration includes warm and bright colorful pages which improves the quality of the meaning behind the poem.
I liked how diverse the illustrations were. The pictures go along very well with what the poems are talking about, and I really enjoyed that.
I enjoyed the poems in this book. Some of them had language that I had to look up because I wasn't sure what it mean't. Other than that, I liked the background story of all of these poems, and I loved the brightness of the illustrations.
Little boys are like Snowflakes. No two are alike. Missing teeth skinned elbows. Always, Stinky, sticky, slippery, Sweaty and Sweet.“
I liked how the illustrations have many warm and bright colors making each page make you smile.
I liked how these poems were filled with imagination and rhymes. I also like how there was a lot of diversity in this book of poems within these poems about wonderful childhood moments.
This is an example of when I didn‘t understand what they were talking about at all
This book was just okay to me! It just didn‘t make much sense to me and I felt confused! The pictures were nice though
“Snowflakes laugh and go away taking dance and crystal dreams leaving me alone with you to falalalalala”
I thought this was a super beautiful book and it was so easy to read and follow along with. I almost feel like some of the poems could be hard for children to understand.
The Sun Is So Quiet by Nikki Giovanni is a collection of poems. It was written in 1996. I found this collection to be very intriguing. The words flowed so well. There were elements of rhyme but not on every line so it wasn‘t over bearing. The illustrations also really heightened the whole experience of the poems. I also found the subject matter of the poems interesting, it was definitely a beautiful book.
This book would be a great read for young children who are looking to discover things about nature and people.
This book was a fantastic read. The poems in this book are all different in style, with some rhyming and others just being descriptive about the content.
“The bees come down to steal a kiss then off they fly to some other miss.”
I would use this in the classroom because the illustrations are so bright, colorful, and playful.
This is a good poetry book because it naturally rhymes and there is a lot of imagination.
I would use this book of poems in my elementary classroom. They are funny and short and simple which the kids will like and be able to understand and talk about. It is a good book to use when introducing poetry to the classroom. It also has beautiful illustrations that are colorful which is good to use in the classroom.
“Kisses. Flowers for hours remain inert but when the bees pass they flutter and flirt.“
This is a great poetry book that has multiple poems in it that are very funny. It rhymes and it is very colorful and the illustrations are beautiful and eye-catching. The poems are about funny things and food and emotions that all kids can relate to.
This is a (P) picture book written by: Nikki Giovanni and illustrated by: Ashley Bryan. Nikki Giovanni uses this poetry book to describe many of her wonderful childhood moments. TS: CR, PR, IR, and GR. #UCFLAE3414SP18
and I collect books for the coming winter 👌🏾