I finally had a few spare moments to organize my own bookshelf! What do you think?
I finally had a few spare moments to organize my own bookshelf! What do you think?
How do you have your bookshelves organized? Alphabetical? Color? Book height? I have 3 bookshelves with no real organized scheme. #help #needtogetorganized #libraryocd #grammaslibrary
Oh, hello there, Me!
I‘m a sucker for organization books, and nearly always believe exactly what they say. Recently though, I‘ve been able to see what these books are really saying, and realizing that most of them won‘t work for me. This book, however, was v v helpful! Once you find out what type you are, each room has tips just for you. They actually make sense, and nothing here is crazy expensive. And it‘s low-pressure! Highly recommend!!!