“Today there are probably hundreds of normal middle class Long Island kids who would shit if they found out that back when grandma was their age, she used to hump Pagans on the cellar floor in East Meadow” #backintheday #bikers
“Today there are probably hundreds of normal middle class Long Island kids who would shit if they found out that back when grandma was their age, she used to hump Pagans on the cellar floor in East Meadow” #backintheday #bikers
“It was like mechanical thunder roaring through every pipe of a Bach organ at once. Goose bumps would rise on your neck and your hair would try to stand straight on your head. The only experience that ever came close was listening to the sound of thousands of Irish drums and war pipes coming up New York‘s Fifth Avenue on St. Patrick‘s Day.” #badass #coolaf
“Outlaws and criminals are not the same thing as the AMA@seemed to think. Criminals are@crooks who manipulate the system to get rich. Outlaws simply don‘t give a shit. Al Capone was a criminal who died in bed a rich old man, his brain and wiener rotten with syphilis. John Dillinger was an outlaw. He died in a hail of bullets outside the Biograph Theater with his girlfriend on his arm.” #outlaw #motorcycles
I can hear Ron Perlman as Clay Morrow narrating this book in my head. #badboysarebest #rideordie #soa #bikers #mc #outlaw