Survival, isolation, and the psychological effects of both.
#Movie2BookRecs Oct 21 #LetterC day 15: Cast Away @Klou
Survival, isolation, and the psychological effects of both.
#Movie2BookRecs Oct 21 #LetterC day 15: Cast Away @Klou
I picked this up fairly randomly (a book fairy had left it on a bench), only to find it's the third in a series. Does anybody know if it's an ok standalone, or if it's best to read the initial two first?
I am completely devouring this series! And Before Mars is my favorite of the three I have read to-date. Such an excellent story about how women are often made to doubt themselves and their experiences, and about the conflicting feelings around marriage, parenthood, and so much more. So good!
The whole section is an incredible delve into a perspective not often seen in fiction.
“I simply couldn't understand why they all wanted to talk about baby stuff. We were immersed in it, twenty-four hours a day; it made no sense to me to meet up with people I barely knew & talk to them about it too. I wanted to find someone like me, someone desperate for human contact with an adult & conversation about anything other than milk & sleep & shit.“
5/5⭐ This is the greatest mindfuck of a book I've ever read.
Things are starting to fit together! This book is sort of parallel to but slightly later than After Atlas. I thought the narrator was unreliable, and she was, but not entirely for the reasons I thought. GOOD LORD THIS ONE WAS INTERESTING even if there were a couple of hand-wavy things (oh THIS will fool the AI!) that made me roll my eyes. CAN‘T WAIT FOR THE FOURTH BOOK. 9 days! Preordering on Kobo right now. 4⭐️
Couldn‘t resist reading this one immediately after After Atlas. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME, WHY DO I LIKE THESE DEPRESSING SF BOOKS. Unreliable narrator, unreliable other characters, UNRELIABLLLLLLLEEEEEE EVERYTHING. But really interesting! #amreading #sciencefiction
Locked room-type SF mystery set on Mars. I really like these things.
I haven't read the others in this series (I might go back and read them later), but this was decent as a stand alone. The mystery of a deceptive AI and whether Emma had really been to Mars without a recollection of it was fun, but really I loved how Emma was a mom who didn't take to motherhood. She resented it and found it boring, and it felt very real and refreshing. 👍🏻
#scifi #readharder #Marsbitches #space
I'm very psyched about my #boutofbooks options.
If you don't know what Bout of Books is, it's a week-long #readathon and starts tomorrow! Sign up at http://boutofbooks.blogspot.com
It's stress-free and an absolute BLAST, especially the Twitter chats!
😊💕🎉 #toread #readersgonnaread #somuchfun #timetoparty
I ordered a couple of books from my local indie and 2 of them came in, so I also picked up the Jones while I was there. And my #botm arrived! I only picked this one because I have an ARC of Small Country and The Mars Room is the next Indiespensible pick, so I‘ll be getting that, too.
I heard about the tagged book on the ATB podcast. It‘s part of a series but acts as a stand-alone. It sounds really interesting!