Thanks for your #20kgiveaway, @Crazeedi 🎉! The first book I remember reading on my own is “Ernie‘s Big Mess.” Kind-of prophetic. 😅
Thanks for your #20kgiveaway, @Crazeedi 🎉! The first book I remember reading on my own is “Ernie‘s Big Mess.” Kind-of prophetic. 😅
This isn‘t a real review. There‘s no reviewing the first book you ever read. Suffice it to say, this book has a lot to do with sleeping in your own bed, being tired, making messes even when you try not to, & also... bubble baths. I think it‘s safe to say that it played a large role in shaping my character. 😅
Alright! That‘s my last book for the #ThrowbackReadathon! I‘m tapping out!
Sesame Street, I take issue with your spelling of the word “yucky.”
This explains why I misspelled “snake” in the Spelling Bee that one time. Or, more likely, given that I spelled it “s-n-a-c-k,” I just had more important things on my mind. 😅🥨🍕
Getting ready to read my husband & bun-daughter a bedtime story for the #ThrowbackReadathon. We made a bed on the floor & are having a sleepover. It makes Moxie super-happy, so we indulge her from time to time. 😉🐰📖
#rabbitsoflitsy #spoiledbunny #perfectlightingloljustkidding
It‘s time for our weekly #ThrowbackReadathon discussion question!
I‘m told I began reading at the tender age of two. This seems unlikely 😅. Suffice it to say, it was early. My first book was “Ernie‘s Big Mess,” which is pretty indicative of my life & overall demeanor. #hotmess
The #ThrowbackReadathon takes place Jan 25-28th. Revisit favorite books from your childhood; post reviews, quotes, & old photos, along with me & my co-host, @Clwojick !