I'm about 100 pages I'm. It's pretty slow. 😐
"Chaps always told Mother and me books were minds on the shelf."
On the fence about this one, the writing is rather formal and the story seems more about a young womans loss of her mother. Then how she moves to New York to start a life on her own. However, there are some really amazing quotes throughout.
Book Spin Pick: THE SECRET OF LOST THINGS by SHERIDAN HAY. Stumbled upon this novel at Half Priced Books and it just sounded so interesting. A mystery type story in a book shop filled with misfits. Hope it is as good as it sounded.
The book started out as a quaint book. It was easy to read. The last quarter to a third of the book, it just got weird. I‘m also not sure what to think of the ending. I read it for the ATY prompt - a book about books prompt #12 #ATY2019 #aroundtheyearin52books
Interesting read, a young woman from a Tasmania moves to New York, and gets job in a bookshop. #exlibrary
I vaguely remember this book to be about a bookstore and a Melville manuscript but I read it three years ago and it didn't make a lasting impression....
"For all its poverty, it seemed that language was a thread."
I thought I was getting into a light bookish mystery, and instead found this beautiful story of grief and life and finding who you are. I doubt this book is for everyone, the writing is lovely but formal, almost pretentious, but it worked for me. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I'm loving the writing in this book!!
(Artist: Loui Jover)