Finished this in one sitting (a first for me as a reader!) A very interesting, hypnotic book
Finished this in one sitting (a first for me as a reader!) A very interesting, hypnotic book
I saw a review calling this American Psycho for women, and I definitely see it. I dig what Faw was going for: a bitter rebuke of capitalism and toxic masculinity. There was an emptiness to it though. The more I think about it, that may actually be part of the whole point, but it prevented me from feeling the full force that I think Faw intended. Still, I appreciated the visceral, raw, disturbing and darkly funny prose. This one's not for everyone.
I think this review is supposed to deter me but it in fact did the exact opposite.
Definitely not for everyone, but I loved it. Also, this is the funniest book review I‘ve ever seen.
Short, strange, beautifully written book! Read it in one sitting.