My son turned 13 in December and while he could be worse, he is definitely acting like a teenager. I saw this book when it first came out and I thought that any insights into dealing with the teenage years would be helpful.
My son turned 13 in December and while he could be worse, he is definitely acting like a teenager. I saw this book when it first came out and I thought that any insights into dealing with the teenage years would be helpful.
Very readable. I went to the first book meeting unprepared but not this week 👍🏻 I think every mom will cry in there before it‘s over. #bookcluborsupportgroup ?
Finished the bottom one and starting three more. My youngest is right around the corner from 13 and some cool ladies from church have some ideas and equally cool 12 year olds, so it‘s a club! And then because I always need some fiction Not That I Could Tell.
A clear, useful, common-sense guide to dealing with any teenagers in your life. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
TBR with some urgency, me thinks. Give me answers, book, give me answers. My students need me to know more.