This humorous F book by Margie Palatini and illustrated by Richard Eglelski would be a wonderful book to read aloud to your students. Ducktective Web and his partner try to quack the care of the stolen peck of perfectly picked pickled peppers. #ucflae3414f17
KayleeC https://www.robeson.k12.nc.us/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=3... the link will take you to a mini lesson on inferences. This book could support UDL principle 8.3 Foster collaboration and community and ESOL strategy 8 use direct instruction: Modeling, explaining, scaffolding, name the strategy and show how to use it. 7y
SarahWynne Have you ever seen the movie Howard the duck? That‘s what this cover reminds me of lol. Love that you used “quack” in a sentence in the summary, too cute! Mini lesson links are always a win! 7y
KayleeC @SarahWynne yes I have lol! 7y
MakennaK This looks so cute! A good idea that could do is to have your students pretend that they are detectives and find things around the room for an activity 7y
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