#Worst #QuotsyJul20 @TK-421
For those who do not know T. Roosevelt is know as one of the best readers of all our presidents. He read 1 to 3 books DAILY while in office. He said it afforded him in rare moments "complete rest and complete detachment from the fighting of the moment"
I think all Littens can relate to this, and a favorite quote of mine...found on FB, thanks to Bookish Buzz.
When someone you are responsible for is harmed because of your inaction, you mustn‘t let that harm be in vain. Do better. And if you can‘t do better, don‘t make the same mistake twice. Accept that there are others more capable of caring for those who can‘t care for themselves.
But how many of us have work worth doing? Or maybe it is, but not for us? #prize #Quotsy #LitsyQuoteChallenge #QuotsyDec17