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Who Is Jeff Kinney?
Who Is Jeff Kinney? | Patrick Kinney
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Even as a kid, everyone thought Jeff Kinney was talented. People loved his drawings, and when he went to college, his comic strip Igdoof was so popular that it spread to other universities! Still, Jeff faced challenges. His cartoons were rejected by syndicates that claimed his art was unprofessional. Then, an idea struck: Jeff would write a journal from the perspective of a child, illustrated with doodles just like a kid might do. And so, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series was born--and it was a hit! In this biography, Jeff's brother, Patrick Kinney, provides a knowledgeable look at the life of this best-selling author/illustrator. From Jeff's childhood pranks to his job developing online games, kids will love the chance to learn more about the creator of the popular Wimpy Kid books. From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Who Is Jeff Kinney? | Patrick Kinney
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This B short novel is a great way to introduce students to famous figures. This is just one of a series of books you can have in your classroom library. It is a simplified version of traditional Biography information for young students. This could be used as an AS choice or IR for a project. It provides a lot of great information in unique ways related to the author (who wrote Dairy of a Wimpy Kid). #ucflae3414f19

YesseniaN The teaching strategy would be primarily AS or book projects.
UDL: Provide options for Recruiting Interest (7)
Optimize individual choice and autonomy (7.1)
ESOL: I would add more materials, books, photos, stories, articles, and websites for the students to use for their Author Study or book project.
Link to purchase: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/authors/jeff-kinney/
DrSpalding I love that you noted this could be used as a book to complement an author study. These biographies can teach students about a variety of current day and historical figures. 5y
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Who Is Jeff Kinney? | Patrick Kinney
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Who is Jeff Kinney? Is a B, NF written by Patrick Kenny and illustrated by John Hinderliter. This would be great for and AS and IR. This book is written by Jeff Kinney‘s younger brother, it makes the book feel more authentic and real, some of the information in the book I‘m not sure would be noted if another author wrote about Jeff Kinney. Especially about his brother writing on the door and not getting in trouble, but if Jeff drew on the door he

HNager would most definitely get in trouble. This book went from him being born all the way to his current life about opening up a bookstore and café called the Unlikely Story, in Plainville, MA and why he opened it. The bookstore and café is awesome! 7y
HNager The EDL I would use 34 I would focus on the accuracy of the work and not the speed, the UDL 5.2, I would have them use different means and modes to complete the assignment. #ucflae3414f17
Author Study Activity: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0FYwLXQPMJWdERiazJUR29na3c/view
MadisonCarter Wow, I️ really love this picture. The fact that the book is written by his brother tells me that the story contains authentic details you won‘t find in just any biography. Great post! 7y
DrSpalding Excellent image! This is an excellent series. How cool that his brother wrote this about him. Nice work. 7y
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