That was fun! Endgame was AWESOME! Now, back to work!
That was fun! Endgame was AWESOME! Now, back to work!
Reading break to watch Thor: Ragnarok with my brother. It‘s satisfyingly ridiculous.
There is nothing like freshly ground coffee ☕ and Chris Hemsworth 😍for breakfast.
It‘s been a very Thor weekend. I watched the first 2 Thor movies on Friday night and then went to see Thor: Ragnarok on Saturday. It was super-fun, although I felt like it was hard to be invested in the more serious moments. Not book-related per se, but I guess it‘s sort of based on Norse mythology??
Finally going to see Thor Ragnarock this afternoon. Pre planned some nice snacks that won't blow my healthy eating plan (the Pic n Mix is my kryptonite).. Just add a vat of Diet Coke and Chris Hemsworth 😁😁😍😍
About to go see this with nephew and Mama! A little scared, a little excited #🔨
#notreading #marvelcomics