I didn‘t enjoy this one as much, I think it may be because the story was about horse racing and that really isn‘t something I‘m interested in. The main characters are all very enjoyable though.
I didn‘t enjoy this one as much, I think it may be because the story was about horse racing and that really isn‘t something I‘m interested in. The main characters are all very enjoyable though.
Finished my 1st book for the #marchunshelfingreadathon. This one is quite short - 240 pages but all been read during the 1st day of the Readathon, helping by traffic issues on the commute (65 minutes) and extra driving for a hospital appointment 35 miles from work!
Really enjoying this series, third book on the bounce for me. Not physical book unshelving but Kindle unshelving - does that count?
Target update
240/2100 Pages
1/5 books finished
This is my stack for the #Readathon section (2nd - 8th March) for #Marchunshelving.
Setting myself an ambitious target of finishing 5 books during a working week and reading over 2000 pages. Already read one chapter of Eye of the Needle and about 78% through A Few of the Girls.
An #kindleunlimited must read. Murder mystery in a rural county with lots of twists and turns. Not my usual cup of tea but will definitely be catching up on the Di Nick Dixon series created by Damien Boyd. This is book 3 and the first I‘ve read.