Hot book tip I just learned for babies: Separate pages with elastics to make it easier for their little hands to turn them!
Hot book tip I just learned for babies: Separate pages with elastics to make it easier for their little hands to turn them!
Book time with the kiddo 💗 📚
So this one got read several times with this page being the 18mo's favorite. I think because he loves to climb sofas 😂 cute llama llama installment for the younger set and shows off some simple Halloween traditions. #babyreads #Halloween #boardbooks
What should Llama Llama be for Halloween? 🎃
Find out with this hilarious and super cute book from the Llama Llama series.
The kiddos in my class LOVED this book and I did too!
#childrensbook #llamallama #annadewdney #bookworm #booklove #book #books #reading