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This Present Darkness
This Present Darkness: A Novel | Frank Peretti
11 posts | 63 read | 24 to read
Now an eBook, a classic from bestselling author Frank Peretti about a small town in the midst of an unseen supernatural battle. The small town of Ashton is the unexpected setting for an epic clash between good and evil as a Christian preacher and a news reporter unearth a plot to take over their small community, and eventually the world. Unseen supernatural forces are at play, as armies of angels and demons wage battle, with groups of Christians and New Agers influencing what they cannot see by the power of prayer.
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I love this book. I know it could be really off-putting to readers who don‘t like the spiritual warfare basis of the story, or who aren‘t Christians and don‘t believe in such things, but as someone who is a Christian and does believe in this sort of thing, I love it. First read it in early 90s, and have read it since then but been a while

LauraStamps Wow!! That‘s a blast from the past. I haven‘t thought about that book or FP since the late 90s. That book hugely popular back then. He was a painter too, wasn‘t he? Seems like I remember his fantasy warfare paintings were incredibly popular too. 11mo
Bethanyroe Oh wow! I didn‘t know that about him but I‘ll have to look it up 11mo
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I felt like the book was entirely too long, it took me forever to get through it. It's not a terrible book but I think he left some character stories a little shallow and added things that didn't really need to be there. I loved it when I was a teenager but as an adult who has changed her view on a lot of spiritual/church things this book felt off-putting at times

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FINALLY got to my reread of this one and it is SO good. A small college town becomes the center of a spiritual battle - this book is intense and perfectly paced. It seems like it should be choppy because of the way it jumps from person to person but instead just keeps the tension tight. I'm trying to decide if someone who doesn't believe in God, angels, and demons would still like this book, and I'm honestly not sure?? It's a fantastic story ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) but the crux of the matter is the battle between the angelic & demonic powers, with the angels being bolstered by the power of praying saints, so for someone who doesn't think those things are real, there may some eye-roll-y moments?? I suggest trying it for yourself anyway, though, because Peretti writes a fabulously intense tale.

Also brings me to 445 pages for #24B4Monday - today is looking pretty busy so I don't think I'm going to ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) hit my 1000-page goal, but I'm going to see how far through the sequel to this book (Piercing the Darkness) I can get in between the myriad of chores that need to get done!!

@Andrew65 @sumisbooks @jb72
(edited) 4y
intothehallofbooks I loved these two Peretti books. It‘s been years since I read them but I remember them vividly. 4y
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Skyrimir Growing up I read his Cooper Kids Adventure series over and over! They really creeped me out at the time. I wonder if I should give them a nostalgia read... 4y
TheAromaofBooks @intothehallofbooks - Right?? I haven't read them in probably 15 years and actually was pleasantly surprised at well they've aged - other than the lack of tech, they don't feel like 1980's books at all. I could remember bits and pieces, but not exactly how it all came together so I was on the edge of my seat. I remember even less from Piercing the Darkness, which I started this morning, and now all I want to do is read! 😂 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Skyrimir - I remember reading one Cooper Kids book - I think I was just a little too young to pick it up because it absolutely terrified me and I never tried them again!! 😂 Something about a giant with six fingers and six toes and he could move silently (I'm a little vague on the details from 30+ years ago haha) and I was SO SCARED!! 4y
Skyrimir @TheAromaofBooks The Tombs of Anak! That was the one that scared me the most, so of course it was the one I read all the time. Peretti definitely got me into liking the scary stuff! I‘ve actually never read his adult books though. I may have to give them a try too. 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Peretti came and did a talk at my church when I was a kid. I am no longer religious, but many of his words have stuck with me as I grow up. Particularly his explanation of why he loved monsters so much and how he identified with the monsters in stories more than the heroes. It hit home with me. I used to have a signed copy of this very book, but unfortunately have lost it somewhere along the way in moves. 4y
Clare-Dragonfly This sounds really interesting! I‘m not a Christian but I can‘t imagine the angels and demons would bother me more than the fantasy I read with angels and demons… 4y
TheAromaofBooks @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm - it's funny how sometimes a random thing someone says when we're young really resonates with us forever! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Clare-Dragonfly - I feel like the religious aspects work so organically within the story that they aren't annoying, but I agree with most of them so it's hard for me to tell sometimes. 😂 But I will say that if you don't like the book within the first couple of chapters, it probably isn't for you, as it jumps right into the action!! 4y
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Well, this #BookReport shows exactly how far I got this week! 😂 About halfway through the tagged book & it is SO GOOD. It's been forever since I've read it so I've forgotten huge parts of the story & can barely put it down! Looking at this picture, I'm realizing that I forgot to review Would Like to Meet... may do that next!


Cinfhen It‘s so fun to reconnect with a beloved book ♥️so that‘s a total win 4y
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Literally NO idea what's going on this weekend but I am sincerely hoping to read 1000 pages and to FINALLY get to the tagged book & its sequel! Currently finishing an older MG read that isn't in the system - Peretti is next in the queue!

#24B4Monday @SumisBooks @Andrew65 @jb72

TheSpineView Good luck! 🤞 4y
Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 4y
curiouserandcurioser @TheAromaofBooks i love Frank Peretti-Have all his books! Theyre so, so good. 4y
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TheAromaofBooks @TheSpineView @Andrew65 - Thank you!!! Busy helping my sister today, so hoping to make up ground tomorrow!! 😁 4y
TheAromaofBooks @curiouserandcurioser - I read these ages ago but have really been wanting to reread them for quite some time - so far This Present Darkness is just as good as I remember!!! 4y
curiouserandcurioser @TheAromaofBooks i have actually been thinking of a reread of all of his when i finish the Shannara books in prep for last book of series coming in October! Have you read all the Peretti books? 4y
TheAromaofBooks No, just the Darkness books, Prophet, and maybe one or two others, all in the distant past haha 4y
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Not sure where I'll be in my reading goals by June 13, but hopefully at least to my final #BookSpinBonanza book (tagged). I think I'm going to aim for 300 pages/day, for a total of 2700 pages across the Readathon!!

Thanks so much for hosting @Andrew65!! These are my favorite kind of readathons!!

Andrew65 That‘s a great total. Good luck and thanks for reposting. 😍 4y
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Here is my probable stack for #ReadYourSign. I'm stacking a few challenges by rolling a few #BookSpinBonanza books over, including S&S for #PemberLittens and Seven Dials for #AgathaChristieClubR2!!!

@Clwojick @Meaw_catlady

wordslinger42 Love This Present Darkness 💜 4y
rockpools Wow, there‘s a blast from the past. Don‘t think I‘ve seen a copy of This Present Darkness since the term of the WORST student accommodation ever. And the alsatian. And different Chris de Burgh songs playing loudly from different rooms. Think I enjoyed it at the time! 4y
Clwojick 💙👏🏻💙 4y
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AmyK1 I read This Present Darkness many years ago. I remember liking it. 4y
curiouserandcurioser @TheAromaofBooks i love Frank Peretti-I have all his books and was thinking of a re-read soon:) 4y
TheAromaofBooks @wordslinger42 @RachelO @AmyK1 @curiouserandcurioser - I haven't read it in Y E A R S and have been meaning to reread forever, so it went on the Bonanza list - ended up getting drawn as the last number so I didn't get to it, but it qualifies for one of my #ReadYourSign prompts (plus I am determined to finish my Bonanza books in June!!!) so I'm super excited to revisit it, and also the sequel, Piercing the Darkness. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @RachelO - That sounds like an exciting time of life!! 😂 I love that certain books bring back very specific memories & locations! 4y
VeganCleopatra Which sign is this for? 4y
TheAromaofBooks @VeganCleopatra - Libra, except for the This Present Darkness - I'm reading one Capricorn prompt since my husband is a Capricorn. 😊 If you want to know which book is which prompt, just let me know! 4y
curiouserandcurioser @TheAromaofBooks maybe we will be reading them at the same time lol! Have you read all of his books,? 4y
VeganCleopatra Oh no need for details about the prompts. Unfortunately neither sign helps me. 😩 jk 4y
MatchlessMarie I have had This Present/Piercing the Darkness on my shelf for years but was always too much of a wuss to read them 😂 4y
TheAromaofBooks @VeganCleopatra - I know the feeling!!! I finally started going through books I was planning to read anyway seeing if any of them fit what I needed! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @MatchlessMarie - I remember these being creepy, but in a really good way. And I'm not usually someone who likes creepy books haha 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Curiouserandcurioser - No, just a handful of them, and all a really long time ago. I know I read a few others, but Prophet is the only one I actually remember! 4y
VeganCleopatra What makes it worse is that I'm a mood reader so I don't plan ahead usually. I'm like I don't know what books I own have a marigold involved or on the cover! Etc. 🤦‍♀️ 4y
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Has anyone read this author?

Butterfinger I read this a long time ago. 5y
Pageturner1 @Butterfinger how was it? This book has to stories in it. 5y
Butterfinger I remember it being the first time I read about demons and and and angels fighting and I remember liking that premise, but I can't remember the plot. 5y
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This was a book my librarian recommended to me yesterday!!! It is two novels in one book and is a whopper. May have been the thickest novel I have seen but he said once you get done the first you will want to go immediately into the second. I will definitely be reading it. Is anyone familiar with these two novels?

Amie I read them probably 20ish years ago and then read the first again a few years ago. They are engrossing stories and hard to put down but I disagree with/don't believe in some of the religious ideas in them, which is kind of the main part of the plot. Hope you enjoy them! 6y
DGRachel I read them about 25 years ago or so. I remember loving them. I would classify them as supernatural Christian fiction. It‘s not subtle. 😂 6y
cathysaid As @amie and @dgrachel mentioned, these are definitely "in your face" religious books. But I do remember I enjoyed them at the time (over 20 years ago as well). Not sure I would now that I'm a tad more jaded and cynical. ? 6y
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Purrsistently I read them, I didn‘t care for how the author portrays women saying they were sexually assaulted as demon possessed liars, and school teachers as demon worshipping monsters out to pervert your kids. 😒 The author is kinda psycho (I read a LOT of his books as a kid and they had a negative effect on me growing up) but there are things to enjoy in them too if those elements don‘t ruin it for you. 6y
TheEldritchProfessor Boy, does that bring back memories of my evangelical upbringing. I remember reading this as a teenager on a youth pastor‘s recommendation... I think he was trying to divert me from my love of Stephen King and other “secular” horror writers. 6y
Libby1 I remember reading them when I was 14. I stayed up all night to finish one of them, and that morning dressed up as an ancient Israelite to walk in a 4th of July parade. 6y
SleepyDragon Never heard of it until recently, and after reading reviews and excerpts decided to cross it off my copy of the #GAR checklist as "never going to read." Not only is it evangelism disguised as literature, the doctrine seems a bit wonky and too fanatical for my Christian perspective. 6y
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I placed a hold on this book at my local library and forgot about it until they notified me it was in. Guess what I'm doing this weekend? Assuming I can hold out that long. 😉

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I no longer have my copies, but this series had a following when I was in high school, so I would consider it a #cultclassic and proof that being #faithful is eventually rewarded.

#YESvember17 #NoteworthyNovember

CatLass007 You must be a couple of years younger than I am because they were popular when I was in college. 7y
Libby1 I read these as a teenager! 7y
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