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Shanghai baby
Shanghai baby | Zhou Weihui
3 posts | 6 read | 1 to read
Da Shanghai, citt multirazziale percorsa da nuovi fermenti, simbolo della Cina che cambia, arriva questo libro straordinario che si affermato come un caso letterario clamoroso. Ha entusiasmato migliaia di giovani cinesi che vi si sono riconosciuti e lo hanno letto in massa. Coco una venticinquenne ambiziosa e inquieta, ex giornalista e scrittrice, cameriera in un bar di Shanghai, che ama un ragazzo alto e bello, ma impotente ed eroinomane. Un giorno conosce un uomo d'affari tedesco, sposato, non esita a intrecciare con lui una rovente storia di sesso. Prigioniera di un gioco distruttivo, Coco rischia di andare alla deriva, ma trova nella vita la forza per riprendersi e affermarsi come scrittrice. Una storia estrema ed emozionante che d voce a un'intera generazione di giovani cinesi di oggi.
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Shanghai baby | Zhou Weihui
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This #chinagirl was banned in China for its ‘sensual nature and irreverent style‘.

It‘s years since I read it and I don‘t remember it at all so it‘s maybe time for a re-read.


Ms_T I‘m intrigued! 5y
BarbaraBB Me too, I don‘t know this one. 5y
Cinfhen Count me in!!! 5y
squirrelbrain @Ms_T @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I shall have to read it again and let you know if it‘s any good - I don‘t recall anything about it 🥴 5y
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Shanghai Baby | Wei Hui
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I must be getting old. I probably would have liked it when I was younger; this was just a bit too brat pack (yah, I've been there, done that) so didn't feel fresh.

Shanghai Baby | Wei Hui Zhou
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So a quick perusal of my bookcases easily found these books bu Chinese authors to add to my possible reading list for 2017. My kindle also has quite a few on it already including a few food memoirs. Any here that other littens have read and would recommend?

Laura317 Dadgummit! I forgot to look last night! I'm so sorry! 8y
Weaponxgirl @Laura317 no worries, life does that to us. Plus I got to go through my bookcases which is always fun! Any of these that you've read and recommend? Plus others are always good 8y
Laura317 @Weaponxgirl Here are four I found in Goodreads. Little White Duck by Liu Na. Murder in Dragon City by Qin Ming and Explosion Chronicles by Yan Lianke. I've read all of these. All were pretty good. (edited) 8y
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Weaponxgirl @Laura317 well my library is gonna be getting looked at hard when I've made headway through the books I've already borrowed ;) 8y
Laura317 @Weaponxgirl I'm going to add your stack to my tbr. My poor bank account!! 8y
Weaponxgirl @Laura317 I apologise to your finances, I'm having similar problems after only just having joined this site 8y
Weaponxgirl @MrBook I keep finding more, if I could work out how to do all the book covers photos everyone shows and included my kindle books it would be quite excessive ;) 8y
MrBook ☺️👍🏻 8y
EricQiao Hey, Chinese author here! Read me! Read me! 🤗🤗 8y
Weaponxgirl @EricQiao lol, added to my stack 😊 8y
EricQiao @Weaponxgirl Do you do reviews? If you're interested I'll send you a copy--free. 8y
Weaponxgirl @EricQiao only on here, I post star ratings on goodreads but never full reviews. I'm always interested in discovering new books 😀 8y
EricQiao @weaponxgirl How about Amazon? Well, shoot me an email if you're interested. Cheswick_lang@yahoo.com 8y
EricQiao @Weaponxgirl BTW Shanghai Baby is a terrible book. I was trying to search for my own book Shanghai Bandit and this post popped up. Glad it did though, lol. 8y
Weaponxgirl @EricQiao late on replying as had to run to work. I will do so when I wake up after a needed sleep. Thank you 😀 8y
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